Try before you buy - free on hold message

Fill in the details below to have your own custom on hold message created and hear the quality and professionalism our studios create for your business!


Company Brief:



"I have no hesitation in recommending Phone Sound to any business looking for a professional Audio solution. After searching for weeks, I finally found a company that doesn't charge an ongoing monthly service fee plus has no contracts or License Fees. Phone Sound tailored an Professional Audio package as per our requirements saving us hundreds"
Alex Butera - National IT Solutions

"I found Phone Sound very courteous and their experience was evident in knowing exactly what questions to ask in the design phase. Requests to tweak our demo, after the initial release was very responsive and they showed real interest in making sure it was as we wanted it to be! We are very happy Phone Sound customers."
Jonathan Smith - Strata Plan

"Phone Sound have met and exceeded all of my expectations by delivering a truly professional and cost effective on hold message. They provided swift and helpful answers to all of my technical and script related queries. Phone Sound made me feel a part of the process from start to finish. I definitely recommend Phone Sound to any business considering an on hold message."
Jamie Hershman - Medvet Laboratories

*Required fields, on hold message only, Australian & New Zealand business